DJ SOFT для НОВИЧКОВ и СТАРИЧКoff (VipZone,Loopmasters,Sony,BigFish,eJay,BestService)
Отправлено 09 июня 2009 - 12:27
Sonic Reality - Sonik Capsules - Ecletic Drums - мультиформатная библиотека электронных и акустических ударных, обработанная FX-процессорами значительно расширит ваши возможности для написания Вашей музыки. Библиотека совместима с Battery, Kontakt, SampleTank 2, EXS24, HALion, или Reason's NNXT, а также с любым программным семплером.
Размер:565.22 Mb
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Отправлено 11 июня 2009 - 20:47
40 ultra-modern dance construction kits by Manuel Schleis all loops are with BPM and precisely cut the kick sample is included for every kit as a single sample, so you are more flexible "ready to use" optimized, just drag them into your sequencer most kits have up to 20 drum and synthloop variations cutting-edge audio quality bonus folder: various mini-kits and the mp3 demo intro as construction kit
total: over 750MB of data, spread over 500 files
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Отправлено 13 июня 2009 - 14:29
Sonic Reality - Sonik Capsules - Groove - мультиформатная библиотека семплов для работы в любых семплерах,с поддержкой следующих форматов: Battery, EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, SampleTank 2, Reason NN-XT.
Размер:755.66 Mb
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Отправлено 14 июня 2009 - 16:38
Sonic Reality - Sonik Capsules - Studio Drums - мультиформатная библиотека семплов для работы в любых семплерах,с поддержкой следующих форматов: Battery, EXS24, HALion, Kontakt, SampleTank 2,Reason NN-XT.
Размер:733.32 Mb
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Отправлено 16 июня 2009 - 21:55
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Размер:565.35 Mb
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Отправлено 17 июня 2009 - 18:18
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Размер:508.11 Mb
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Sonic Reality - Acoustic Drum
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Размер: 300мб
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Sonic Reality - Bass Collection
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Размер: 300мб
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Sonic Reality - Guitar Collection
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Размер: 300мб
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Отправлено 28 июня 2009 - 18:41
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Размер:814.14 Mb
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Sonic Reality - Piano Collection
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Размер:544.8 Mb
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Sonic Reality - Sonik Synth Bonus Disc
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Размер:600.78 Mb
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Отправлено 02 июля 2009 - 17:02
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Sonic Reality ReFill - World Percussion
Перед нами диск, содержащий семплы инструментов мирового класса от Sonic Reality для программ Reason 3, Sample Tank2 и Kontakt. На диске представлены 4 типа инструментов: акустические фольклёрные инструменты, перкуссии со всего мира, этнические инстрменты и звуки роялей премиум класса. Каждый звук был тщательно обработан, прежде чем его поместили на этот диск. Все звуки были записанны с реальных иснтрументов и являются хорошим 'инструментом' для того, чтобы разнообразить и оживить композицию любого жанра, будь то рок, блюз или RnB.
Размер:1.31 Gb
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Отправлено 07 июля 2009 - 12:59
ANIMAL TRAX - звуки животных - огромная библиотека звуковых эффектов. Это пять CD, содержащие более 1200 звуков животных. "Львы и тигры и медведи" - рычания леопардов, смех гиен, шипение змей, хрюканья горилл, крики павианов, китов, зовы дельфинов... это лишь поверхностное описание. Эти звуки были записаны во всех частях мира, порой рискуя жизнью и здоровьем. Позже они были отредактированы в цифровую форму, в относительной безопасности, в студии SOUNDELUX в Голливуде.
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Отправлено 08 июля 2009 - 19:12
These authentic Vocals have been recorded exclusively for Prime Loops courtesy of acclaimed Jamaican vocalist Danman, (AKA Sunny Voice) with a reputation for getting the club moving, and giving even the most minimal tracks a real big sound, Danman’s rich and distinctive style has blessed many a bassline, rocked the toughest crowds, and continues to deliver playing numerous world tours, with his vocals featuring on releases including Hospital Records, Irration Steppas and many more.
Размер файла:: 135.27 Mb
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Vocal Imitation 5
Новая версия уникальной программы Vocal Imitation, которая позволяет имитировать голос любого человека. Для этой цели достаточно загрузить два файла, - файл с записью голоса, который будет редактироваться, и эталонный файл. Программа проведет тщательный анализ эталонного голоса и автоматически подберет необходимые параметры корректировки вашего голоса, получившийся результат вы используете по своему назначению. Область применения достаточно широка. от банального розыгрыша до серьезных вокальных работ.
Размер файла:: 5.05 Mb
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Отправлено 11 июля 2009 - 22:31
Самая обширная Коллекция Голосов на 5 CD-ROM СОЗДАННАЯ КОГДА-ЛИБО!
Размер:3.36 Gb
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Отправлено 13 июля 2009 - 14:20
Hip Hop Producer Pack 1 содержит 10 звуковых комплектов, которые дают вам основные строительные блоки для создания потрясающих мелодий хип-хопа.
Hip Hop Producer Pack 1 contains 10 song kits which give you the essential building blocks to create some stunning Hip Hop tunes. The loops from each song kit can be easily layered up in your sequencer to quickly create the foundation for your next hit. Each song kit gives you the basics such as phat drum loops, bass and lead lines as well some vocal samples, guitar licks, pizzicato strings, pianos, chimes, old skool synth's and much more. This entire pack has a distinct "West Coast" vibe with some sounds offering a grimy "Electro" feel while others give a cool "R 'n' B" flava.
Release Name: Platinum Loops Hip Hop Producer Pack 1 MULTiFORMAT
Release Date: April 2009
File Format: .bin/cue (.aiff, .rx2, .wav)
File Size: 156.91 Mb
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Отправлено 15 июля 2009 - 22:35
Софт который реально имитирует на ПК пение - человеческим голосом!
Megurine Luka, acted by Asakawa Yu, is a cool and slightly mysterious virtual singer as VOCALOID. Luka has two voice databases, English and Japanese. This is the new attempt for Vocaloid production. So Luka can sing Multilingual songs that previous Virtual Vocal Softwares hardly emulate. Luka's voice charactor is husky and moody, and suitable for Middle or High pitch songs, House, Electro Dance, and Juzzy Tracks.
Genre : Latin Jazz, Ethno Pops, House, Electronica Dance
Tempo : 065 - 145BPM
Key : D3 - D5
VOCALOID2 is a new version of VOCALOID, which includes major improvements in usability and synthesis quality.
* New GUI: The VOCALOID Editor (score editing tool) of VOCALOID2 has a cool new look with improved user functionality.
* A much more realistic and natural sounding vocal: The synthesis engine of VOCALOID2 uses a different signal processing technique from Version 1, creating a clearer and more natural vocal.
* Realtime Keyboard Performance (VST Instrument): Written lyrics can be assigned a note by touch of a keyboard. Now you can "sing" using a keyboard.
* New functionalities and improvements: Much easier to use functionalities are newly implemented, which reduce workloads in creating your music. Existing functionalities are also improved.
* Note auditioning: If you press a note, singing with lyrics and pitch will be assigned to the note. Instantly check lyrics and notes.
* Transparent control track: Control track for controlling timbre is transparent, so you can check two parameters at once.
* Toggling between Playback and Rendering You can specify playback/rendering mode for each track. By rendering the finished track, you can reduce CPU load in playback. Maximum number of tracks is 16.
* Expression control: You can easily specify musical expression (attack and vibrato) with this intuitive user interface.
- Piano-roll editor;
- Note editing / Automatic phonetic conversion / Phonetic editing / Note auditioning;
- Transparent control track;
- Toggling between playback/rendering;
- Expression control;
- Synchronization with host sequencer through ReWire
- Размер: 2.14 Gb
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Отправлено 16 июля 2009 - 21:01
Zero-G Soundsense Series Trance Inducer - Zero-G and Xfonic present The SoundSense Series, created to provide music producers with professional quality sounds at fantastic value for money. The SoundSense Series maintains Zero-G's tradition of virtuosity, value and variety. TRANCE INDUCER fuses the energy of modern dance, trance and electro into a complete one-stop production solution.
A full spectrum of club-oriented drum and percussion loops, intense instrument hits and loops, filter-friendly synth sounds, production effects and much more await your creative direction which together with the diverse construction kits contained in this library make Trance Inducer a veritable sonic arsenal that will keep your productions at the cutting edge of dance music.
This fantastic library comes in multiple formats that should suit every music producer. Formats supported include: AcidWAV, AIFF Apple Loops, Stylus RMX, Rex2
- 250 REX2 files
- 574 Acidized WAV files
- 574 AIFF Apple Loop files
- 400Mb of sounds
- Drum Loops
- Construction Kits
- Synth loops
- Bass Loops
- Synth Hits
- Drum Hits
- FX and Atmospheres
- ...and much more!
Multiformat DVD/CD Version
- Stylus RMX Compatible
- REX2
- Apple Loops
- .WAV
Name: Zero-G Soundsense Series Trance Inducer MULTIFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS
Type: Sound FX
Developer: ZERO-G
File Format: .iso (.aif, .rx2, .wav)
File Size: 945.28 Mb
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Отправлено 21 июля 2009 - 00:12
Sample Magic Nu-Rave - библиотека семплов в звуковых форматах .aiff, .rx2 и .wav.
Sample Magic Nu-Rave offers 100s of prime electro-house, disco-punk and sleazy new wave mashups. Boasting 800+MB loops and one-shots at 120, 125 and 130bpms, this is our most exciting release to date, offering the very best in Parisien house and indie-tinged electronica.
With Nu-Rave we've made sure every sound is fine-tuned to be as big, fat and hooky as any commercial release. And as always, we've maintained the renowned Sample Magic authenticity by using as much old-school analogue machinery as we can.
Enjoy the sounds, but please don't hold us responsible when people start throwing downright outrageous shapes on the floor.
What's in the collection?
- Drums - 100s of kick-heavy slammers, percussive glitches and bit-crushed boomboxers to whet your sonic appetite.
- Music loops - Genre-bending disco-jams and rock'n'rave combos: ready-rolled to kick start your creativity.
- Synths - 80s monosynths, gated rave stabs and bleepy lo-fi runs - key & tempo labelled for your convenience.
- Bass - Acid-soaked wobblers and X-rated funklines - laden with characteristic analogue warmth.
- Vox - Digitised & synthesized, vocoded and remoded: mashed-up phrases and speak'n'yell robotics
- More - Circuit-bent drum hits, live guitar and basslines, de-sampled FX, squeals, squelches, sweeps and more...
Includes Audio:,
- 24-bit Wavs (891Mb, 796 files)
- Stylus RMX compatible Rex files (361Mb, 476 files)
- Apple Loops (534Mb, 476 files) plus EXS24, Reason NNXT, Kontakt II and Halion patches.
- Размер: 2.04 Gb
Nu-Rave full song demo
Top loops
Music loops
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Отправлено 11 августа 2009 - 22:47
NYC Percussionworks (GIG, WAVE) - это шикарная сэмплерная библиотека перкуссионных звуков от фирмы Sampleheads.Коллекция из двух CD-дисков включает в себя множество перкуссионных сэмплов, хитов и лупов в исполнении 7 известнейших перкуссионистов Нью-Йорка: Сэмми Фируэруа (Sammy Figueroa), Джоржда Джинды (George Jinda), Стива Торнтона (Steve Thornton), Эмедина Риверы (Emedin Rivera), Марка Джонсона (Mark Johnson) и Тодда Ислера (Todd Isler). Множество инструментов: звонки, деревянные блоки, колокольчики, шейкеры, гонки (Congas, Bongos, Shakers, Tamborines, CowBells, GoGo Bells, Triangles,Whistles, Tabla,Shakere, Frame Drum, Udo, Dumbec, Talking Drum, Clave, Pandero, Cabasa, Guiro, Flexitone, Wood Blocks, Timbale, Gongs and Bells), огромное разнообразие стилей и темпов - все это вы найдете на диске Sampleheads NYC Percussionworks.
2 CD в одном архиве: 484 mb
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Отправлено 15 августа 2009 - 21:29
Звуки для House-музыки от известных DJ и продюсеров.
Zero-G SoundSense Old Skool House - Zero-G and Xfonic present The SoundSense Series, created to provide music producers with professional quality sounds at fantastic value for money. The SoundSense Series maintains Zero-G's tradition of virtuosity, value and variety. Welcome to OLD SKOOL HOUSE - classic house for use in tomorrow's dance tunes!
Our Top House producers bring you this fantastic collection of old skool house samples from the era that spawned classic house and was the catalyst that sparked the massive movement that is electronic dance music. Folders packed full of construction kits, beats, basses, pianos, organs, percussion loops, drum kits, stabs, riffs and more, all 100% original and royalty-free.
This great collection gives you the raw materials needed to get back to the good old days of Classic House!
This fantastic library comes in multiple formats that should suit every music producer. Formats supported include: Acid WAV, AIFF Apple Loops, Stylus RMX, Rex2
- 800 Acidized WAV files
- 800 AIFF Apple Loop files
- 350 REX2 files
- 650Mb of sounds
- Drum & Percussion Loops
- 15 Construction Kits
- Basses
- Chords
- Keyboard Riffs
- Drum Kits
- Organ & Piano
Multiformat DVD/CD Version
- PointStylus RMX Compatible
- PointREX2
- PointApple Loops
- PointAIFF
- PointACID
- Point.WAV
Name: Zero-G SoundSense Old Skool House MULTiFORMAT SCD DVDR-BNT
Type: Sound FX
Developer: ZERO-G
Release Date: Jan-16 2009
File Format: .iso (Acid WAV, AIFF, Apple Loops, Stylus RMX and Rex2 )
File Size: 1.4Gb
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Отправлено 30 августа 2009 - 02:08
Ambiosis - включает в себя множество фантастических атмосферных звуков и помех. Эти звуки могут использоваться в фактически любом стиле музыки в большом разнообразии жанров. Ambiosis особенно полезен для передачи среды, танеца, озвучки кинофильма, а так же для производителей транса. Применима в большом разнообразии жанров.
Zero-G Soundsense Series Ambiosis - Highly acclaimed electronic musician and samplist Ian Boddy brings you a fantastic array of atmospherics and soundscapes at a bargain price. These sounds can be used in virtually any music style where a little dash of sonic spice is needed. Ambiosis is particularly useful for ambient, dance, film soundtrack and trance composers where the sounds can often provide the creative impetus for a new track or to add the finishing touches to an exisiting composition. Ambiosis serves as a fine electronic music resource for producers who need to apply texture, mood, and ambience across a wide variety of genres.
Categories include: Analogue, Atmospheres, Dark, Light, Spacey, Vintage & Weird. This fantastic library comes in two formats that should suit every music producer. Formats supported include: Acid WAV, AIFF Apple Loops
- Acidized WAV files
- AIFF Apple Loop files
- 400Mb of new sounds
- Analogue
- Atmospheres
- Dark
- Light
- Spacey
- Vintage
- Weird
- ...and much more!
Multiformat DVD/CD Version
- Apple Loops
- .WAV
Name: Zero-G Soundsense Series Ambiosis MULTIFORMAT
Type: Sound FX
Developer: ZERO-G
Release Date: Dec 2008
File Format: .iso (.aif, .wav)
File Size: 724Mb
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Zero-G Soundsense Series Technomatik MULTIFORMAT
Это сэмплерная библиотека из серии Soundsense Series от Zero-G и Xfonic, предназначенная для создания электронной музыки в стилях TECHNO, ELECTRO и DANCE. Автором данной коллекции является топовый саунд-продюсер DJ Stakka. В ней Вы найдете строительные киты, удары, басы, перкуссионные лупы, барабанные киты, синты, арпеджио, SFX и многое другое. Здесь собрано все то, что нужно каждому музыкальному продюсеру для создания современного танцевального трэка.
Zero-G Soundsense Series Technomatik - Top producer DJ Stakka brings you TECHNOMATIK a collection of stunning techno and electro dance. A sound library packed full of construction kits, beats, basses, percussion loops, drum kits, synth hits, leads, arpeggios, SFX and more, all 100% original and royalty-free. The SoundSense Series maintains Zero-G's tradition of virtuosity, value and variety.
In fact everything you need to create cutting edge tracks that reflect the energy and intensity of today's dance scene. This great collection gives you the raw materials needed to make stunning dance music with superb sonic balance and fidelity. For the best value in adrenalin-pumping techno and dance sounds hook in to Technomatik!
This fantastic library comes in multiple formats that should suit every music producer. Formats supported include: AcidWAV, AIFF Apple Loops, Stylus RMX, Rex2
- 260 REX2 files
- 600 Acidized WAV files
- 600 AIFF Apple Loop files
- Over 500Mb of sounds
- Drum Loops
- Construction Kits
- Synth loops
- Basses
- Synth Hits
- Drum Hits
- FX and Atmospheres
- ...and much more!
Multiformat DVD/CD Version
- Stylus RMX Compatible
- REX2
- Apple Loops
- .WAV
Name: Zero-G Soundsense Series Technomatik MULTIFORMAT DVDR-DYNAMiCS
Type: Sound FX
Developer: ZERO-G
Release Date: Dec 2008
File Format: .iso (.aif, .rx2, .wav)
File Size: 1.07Gb
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Отправлено 30 августа 2009 - 16:02
Компания Sounds Of Revolution объявила о выпуске нового сэмплерного пака, предназначенного для создания клубной музыки - Club Revolution vol.1 (WAV, EXS24, Kontakt 2). Это обширная, но очень грамотно составленная коллекция, которая включает в себя 1000 клубно-ориентированных ударных звуков, басов, брейкбитов, синтов, необычных вокалов, сумасшедших электрических звуков и барабанов, большую секцию звуковых эффектов, а также 575 абсолютно новых лупов, которые Вы никогда не слышали прежде! Используйте весь этот материал в своих миксах в стилях Trance, Techno, Hardstyle, Electro и Progressive. Подавляющее большинство сэмплов распределены по категориям, все лупы сопровождаются информацией о темпе, а тональные звуки - об их тональности.
Размер:646.74 Mb
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Отправлено 19 сентября 2009 - 14:55
SNAP - последний стиль Грязного Юга, который поразит клубы и радиоволны, и эта коллекция обеспечивает все элементы, чтобы сделать нереальные удары. Эти петли были зарегистрированы от популярного synths как Мотив, Фантом, Nord и барабаны были сделаны из Концерна 808 наряду с чистым ярким шнапсом, хлопками, ловушками, шляпами, ударными и fx. Если Вы любите SNAP или хотите сделать SNAP - то эта библа для Вас !
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Mixed Dirty South Drum & Sample Loops WAV
Cмешанная коллекция различных Грязных Южных образцов, загруженных Фантомом synths, последовательностями, гитарами, ключами, ударами и fx сверху grimey, бьется с большой бочкой. Играемый подобным стилям Timbaland, Bonecrusher, Lil John и Three Six Mafia.
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Отправлено 26 сентября 2009 - 18:28
Ещё один качественный сборник от Грязного Юга!
Размер: 350 мб
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Southside Grinders wav
Сборник дробилок от Motion Samples !
Another grimey Motion Samples production that contains 20 melody songs for makin’ Dirty South beats. Filled with lots of explosive orchestra sounds, killer synths, analog leads, synthbasses and more. Get your 808 beats set and be ready to fire off 20 more southside grinders!
Размер файла:: 170.33 Mb
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Отправлено 03 октября 2009 - 19:48
Propellerheads Hip Hop Reason Refill Collection!
Размер файла: 93.25 Mb
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Reason Refills - Electro Hiphop
Propellerheads Electro Hiphop Reason Refill Collection!
Размер файла: 170.32 Mb
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Отправлено 17 октября 2009 - 17:46
Вашему вниманию представляется новый диск из серии сэмплерных библиотек от Big Fish Audio - Big Fish Audio Complete Hip Hop (WAV) . Если вы снимаете фильм или записывате phat beats – то этот диск для вас. Здесь можно найти самые модные и последние музыкальные конструкции такие как hip Hop drum loops, клавиатура, басы, гитара , strings, FX, stabs и многое другое. Данная сэмплерная библиотека содержит 59 музыкальных конструкций, множество петель: drums, synth, guitar, piano, horns organ, scratch strings, bass, flute, harp, mandolin, vibes и различные hits: snare, kick, hi-hat, crash, orchestral hit, synth hit, horn stab, guitar stab. Используя все эти петли и музыкальные конструкции у вас получится первоклассная и высококачественная музыка.
59 Construction Kits:
Loops: drums, synth, guitar, piano, horns organ, scratch strings,
bass, flute, harp, mandolin, vibes
Hits: snare, kick, hi-hat, crash, orchestral hit, synth hit, horn
stab, guitar stab
Размер: 460 мб
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Waves System - African Loops and Grooves - WAV
Эта Звуковая Библиотека от Waves System. Петли вписываются отлично в большом разнообразии жанров; house, techno, dance, chill-out или даже для film soundtracks. В эту библиотеку входят формате Wav.
The loops included in this library, represent the tribal sound of the
deepest africa. Imagine if you could travel throughout the tribal
regions in Africa, and record the rhythms that each tribe plays during
their ceremonies. The result would be African Loops and Grooves.
Размер: 300 мб
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Отправлено 02 ноября 2009 - 00:56
Propellerheads Total House Reason Refill Collection!
Размер: 200 мб
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Big Fish Audio - Primal Drums (DVD|MULTIFORMAT)
Big Fish Audio Primal Drums - сэмплы в формате AIFF / AppleLoops / REX / WAV / RMX.
Primal Drums (DVD|MULTIFORMAT) - это сэмплерная коллекция барабанных звуков от фирмы Big Fish Audio. На диске представлено более 700 лупов (50 готовых китов) - все это мощные и зажигательные ритмы, готовые к использованию продюсерами и композиторами. Содержание диска разделено на аккомпанирующие составляющие: пэды, атмосферные звуки и т.д., что делает диск удобным для использования.
Размер:3.66 Gb
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Отправлено 12 ноября 2009 - 11:10
Propellerheads vocal planet Reason Refill Collection!
Размер файла: 443.55 Mb
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Vienna Symphonic Library Opus 1 Vol. 4 (Giga/EXS/Kontakt/HALion) Percussion
Симфоническая Библиотека!
This introduction to the world of professional orchestral
sounds is the opposite of a "light" version - it is the
largest, broadest collection in the entire Horizon Series.
The feedback from users of our award-winning orchestral
sample libraries was the driving force behind the creation
of Opus 1. It contains handpicked samples and Performance
Elements from the Vienna Symphonic Library's Pro Edition.
Our revolutionary Legato Performance instruments and a
selection of the most important single note articulations
allow for superior arrangements with the best possible
Opus 1 was designed for convenience. Its logical,
consistent structure is easy to grasp, instruments can be
exchanged without having to figure out altered program
numbers or unexpected controller assignments. If you want
maximum orchestral output with a single computer system,
this is the library of choice! Opus 1 excels at efficiency
economy and unencumbered creativity, while sacrificing
nothing in the realism and expressiveness that the Vienna
Symphonic Library has become famous for.
Volume 4:
Snare Drum
Snare Ensemble
Bass Drum
Tubular Bells
Effect Percussion
Format: GIGA
Playable on: Kontakt, EXS-24, Halion, Giga Sampler
Размер:3.43 Gb
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Отправлено 08 декабря 2009 - 13:24
Электронный Ди-Джей: Mix Station 3 – самый мощный пакет
микширования музыки, идеально подходящий для всех Ди-джеев –
от новичков до профессионалов.
Это версия, в которой легко разберется новичок, а
профессионал найдет для себя массу "продвинутых" функций:
Технология битлок: ваши треки всегда будут современны.
Создавайте невероятные миксы с удивительной скоростью!
Автоматические бесшовные лупы: создавайте невероятные
ремиксы без всякой подготовки!
Синхронизированный механизм сэмплирования: сэмплирование
и проигрывание треков на лету. Огромный простор для
Четкие зрительные образы песен: программа работает без
Ключ: NBV9-9WY9-ENGJ6
Отправлено 04 января 2010 - 10:49
Each Cd in the studio series is filled with over 640mb (24bit) of drum loops. that’s around 600-700 beats on each Cd. And also each cd has a complete sampled drum kit - "construction kit" - multi velocity hits of each drum and cymbal, for you to add and edit your own beats that will sonically match the loops. Each Cd is available in both 16bit 44.1K and 24bit 48K. All samples are acidized Wav files.
The Studio Series Drum loops were mixed with you the producer/songwriter in mind. Mixed with light reverb and compression. They are free of that heavily processed sound, found in many drumloop librarys. They are mixed to fit in with your music, and sound natural and real. All the loops were recorded on the same kit in the same room on the same session, so you can mix and match beats to make the song you want. They are nothing but great sounding live drums. No midi or V-drums, just live acoustic drums played by great NYC session drummers.
Размер файла:: 435.85 Mb
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Professional sound effects
Коллекция эффектов профессионального Звука. Звуковые эффекты, Эффекты звука животных, атмосфер, оружия, спорт...
Размер файла:: 79.88 Mb
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Отправлено 04 января 2010 - 17:28
Nine Volt Audio Big Bad Guitars is a collection of tough and heavy-duty modern rock guitar loops that will turn any track into a bruiser.
The parts included in the Nine Volt Audio Big Bad Guitars collection were recorded on two guitars through different amps, allowing for a huge spread of stereo six-string sound. Amp sounds were dialed in and recorded by producer, mixer and engineer Michael Wagener, known for his work with many top hard rock and heavy metal bands like Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica.
As part of Nine Volt Audio’s BPM Flex Series, every REX-based loop in the collection can be used at virtually any tempo without artificial stretching or unwanted audio artifacts, making this one of the most flexible modern hard rock guitar libraries available.
So whether you need the rumble of a drop-tuned riff, the punch of a power chord chorus or some high gain growl to add edge to a track, Big Bad Guitars is ready for the gig.
Nine Volt Audio Big Bad Guitars main features include:
* 100% copyright free loops.
* 925 files for each format: REX2, Stylus RMX, Apple Loops and ACIDized Wav.
* Each part is presented as a mono, single guitar part, and an accompanying stereo loop with each part panned hard left and right.
* Big Bad Guitars is organized into “mini-song” suites. Each suite contains clearly labeled song parts, riffs, string “scrapes” and sustained chords for endings and breaks.
* 130+ “remix” style guitar loops that feature filtered, “stuttered” and effected sounds designed to take each suite to the next level.
* Any of the REX-based loops (used in Stylus RMX and Reason) can be used at tempos as slow as 70 BPM.
* Big Bad Guitars presents a “Toolbox” section of straight-ahead 8th and 16th note palm-muted power chord loops, designed to supplement any suite or stand on their own as the backbone to any track.
* Using Big Bad Guitars within Stylus RMX requires the user to drag-and-drop only one folder into RMX’s included S.A.G.E. Converter.
Размер файла:: 1.43 Gb
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Отправлено 04 января 2010 - 18:54
Sample Magic - Tribal Tech House
Долгожданный сборник для создания tech-house!!!
Deep, percussive big-room grooves. Dark and funky afro-tinged tech-house featuring: 200+ jackin’, tracky, precision-programmed drum loops; inspired afro-tribal percussive workouts; vintage oscillations, squeaky leads and sublime synths; subby and dubby floor-shaking basslines; pre-programmed combis – ready-mixed and broken out for dancefloor destruction; plus 100s of glitchy tops, breakdown sculpted FX, choice drum hits and more….
Drums › From jackin to tracky, minimal to maximal – 200+ precision-programmed rhythmic treats
Percussion loops › Inspired live afro-tribal workouts and sparse synthetic beatlines, all with distrinct techno flair.
Basslines › Subby and dubby, deep and clubby floorshakers, cvering the whole genre spectrum.
Synths › Vintage oscillators, squeaky leads and sublime pads for instant melodic inspiration – all key labeled for your ease.
Combis › Ready-programmed dancefloor weapons, primed to kick-start the groove. Includes ‘just beat’ and ‘just melody’ variants.
More › Glitchy, techy tops, breakdown-sculpted FX loops, XXXL drum hit archive, tempo-matched swooshes, sweeps, sidechained builds and more…
Размер файла:: 875.2 Mb
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Отправлено 05 января 2010 - 16:17
Prime Loops are extremely proud to bring you this highly anticipated Multi-Format Sample Pack from the closely guarded sonic archives of Lee Coombs' Studio HQ.
Defying boundaries, and ignoring the status quo, Lee Coombs is a heavyweight of dance music’s evolution, for over a decade he has been at the forefront of it all, and continues onwards and upwards, with highly sought after production skills, and mind-blowing DJ Sets.
One of the most respected producers on the Breakbeat, Tech & Future House scene, a former Finger Lickin' Records heavyweight, he is responsible for huge releases and remixes for artists such as Moby, Paul Okenfold, New Order, Plump DJ's, Meat Katie, Atomic Hooligan and The Freestylers to name but a Inside, you will find a hefty selection of 170+ Beefy Drums, Cutting Synths, Fluid FX, Detailed Construction Grooves, Dirty Bass Loops and lots more. A Moog Voyager, Roland 303, and Roland D50 are amongst the multi-tude of hardware synths used to deliver these jaw-dropping sounds, many of which have been used in Lee's personal remixes and productions. Everything produced to his exacting standards and presented exclusively to you in this 24-bit Sample Pack.
If you produce Tech, Electro, Techno, Breakbeat, or Future House, and want to inject the retro sound of the future into your productions, you won’t want to miss out on this amazing Sound Suite. Introduce the clubs to your tracks with Lee Coombs Presents: Tech Funk.
Размер файла:: 433.67 Mb
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Отправлено 05 января 2010 - 17:07
Stylus RMX Epic Drums Library Vol.2
Audio Demo!
Коллекция высокоэнергетического барабана, опытно играемые
первосортные ударники и организованный в 40 строительных комплектов (больше чем два с половиной гигабайта файлов WAV). Каждый комплект показывает многократные петли
и расширенные действия, используя множество ударных инструментов от японского taikos к этническим барабанам, оркестровому удару, массивному toms и многое другое.
Существенный инструмент для производителей, композиторов, и звуковых проектировщиков,
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ БАРАБАНЫ - идеальный способ добавить ударное воздействие к Вашему музыкальному
A collection of high-energy, cinematic drum and rhythm beds expertly played by
top-notch percussionists and organized into 40 construction kits
(more than two and a half gigabytes of WAV files). Each kit features multiple loops
and extended performances, employing an array of percussive instruments from Japanese taikos
to ethnic drums, orchestral percussion, massive toms, field snares, metals, effect percussion,
and a lot more.
An essential tool for producers, composers, and sound designers,
EPIC DRUMS is an ideal way to add percussive impact to your musical
Размер файла:: 1.83 Gb
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Отправлено 05 января 2010 - 23:40
Genres: Afrobeat, Drums, House, Percussion, World, Deep House, Electro House, Minimal House, Funky House, Progressive House and Tribal House
Formats: Wav, Acid and Rex2
Tribal Tech blends the ancient rhythms of the worlds indigenous cultures with future audio processing to create a truly original house tempo groove library.
This unparalleled collection features 330 interlocking house percussion and FX loops, which can be seamlessly interchanged to create literally thousands of tribal orientated rhythmic progressions.
Utilising drums and percussion instruments from every continent, combined with special effects from another planet, Tribal Tech has been designed to bridge the gap between nature and machine.
The versatile content gives you freedom to create in a huge number of ways: take a couple of minimal elements to form a base groove for your track, or layer, level and pan multiple loops to create a unique drumming circle in seconds... the choice is yours.
As normal with a Push Button Bang release, the loops are high-quality 24-bit, kick-free at a multi-genre friendly 128 bpm, with both wav and rex formats supplied as standard.
Blurring the lines between played and processed, past and present,Tribal Tech will ignite your rhythmic journeys into future flavoured tribal house and beyond.
Tech Specs:
* 520 MB Content
* 330 wav loops
* 303 rex files
* 40 baked shake grooves
* 15 bells and whistle loops
* 35 bounce grooves
* 45 future percussion grooves
* 25 claps and scrape grooves
* 40 minimal grooves
* 35 misc fx grooves
* 45 multi drummer grooves
* 30 tribal schnap loops
* 20 vox fx loops
* Размер файла: 518.8 Mb
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Отправлено 06 января 2010 - 12:35
Fidget House 2 is the sequel to the much praised debut release from Darren Payton, whose production skills impressed us so much we had to sign him for a second volume. His production of glitched out, funked up and washed out house beats, alongside those heavy hoovered, sidechained and warped basslines hit the spot every time and have warranted all the enthusiastic emails we have had from Fidget House producers worldwide looking for more sounds from the Payton studio – well here they are people!
Artists such as Trevor Loveys, Herve, Fake Blood, Digital Filth, Switch and Jack Beats have exaggerated the initial elements of fidget and progressed things on to new levels which make this genre more challenging from a production perspective and perfect for the dance floor as the mash up medium of choice for many producers and clubbers worldwide in 2010.
This pack is even bigger than the first one and we are sure that even producers of Minimal, Electro, Tech and Jackin House music will find plenty of sonic ingredients to add to their mixes for inspiration and solid dance floor friendly grooves.
Featuring over 950 Fidget House Samples, this is a masterful and innovative sample pack including 67 Heavyweight Cone Wobbling Basslines, 35 Slick and Glitchy House Drumloops, 122 Broken Band Glitch Loops, 35 Groove Clicks, 75 Top Loops, 46 Filtered Music Loops, 18 Synth Loops, 9 Bleeps, 20 Sweeps, 28 Twisted and Broken Vocal FX, 22 Bass Stabs, 35 Vox Stabs, 53 FX Stabs, 5 Drum Kits plus more than 300 Single Drum Samples ready for making your own Fidget House Beats!
The pack is also available in Apple Loops format and comes with an additional 31 ready to play patches for Reason NNXt, Halion, Kontakt, EXS and SFZ samplers, including 18 Bass Patches, Drum Kits and Fx.
If you are looking for Glitched out beats, Processed Stereo Vocals, Heavyweight Basslines and Techy and Progressive Musical Loops, check out the Fidget House 2 from Loopmasters!
Размер файла:: 630.57 Mb
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Отправлено 06 января 2010 - 14:05
Prime Loops - Fidget House Grooves
Genres Fidget House, Breaks, Breakbeat, House,
Electro, Tech Funk & more!
Format Apple Loops
Contains 200+ Fidget and Electro House Loops, arranged in 21 Construction Kits
Fidget House Grooves is the latest quirky sample pack from the Prime Loops squad fresh in tune with the fidget
sound that is taking the clubs by storm across the globe.
Fidget House skillfully blends a diverse range of genres together such as Electro, Chicago House, Bassline,
Breaks, elements of Drum n Bass, Rave, Funky and more; resulting in jump-up, fun filled club anthems ready for
the clubs. The genre has become very popular amongst fans and producers alike due to its addictive basslines,
jackin drums, and almost slapstick style automations and effects!
Influenced by prolific artists in the scene such as Mickey Slim, Bombsquad Records, Stupid Fresh, Escobar &
Vito, Will Bailey, Ed Kane, Calvertron, Trevor Loveys, Herve, Fake Blood, Digital Filth, SwitchJack Beats, this
world-class sample pack is now ready…inject this into your mix, and see the results for yourself.
This nu-era sample pack is jam-packed with over 200 swinging, jackin' 4/4 house beats, solid, shuffly, and
cheeky effects, hectic percussion loops with a glitchy new-skool feel, extremely crazy pumping basslines, loops
with fat, gritty, pitch-bent pulses and filtered synth variations to suit, rave-style synth stab loops with
Stuttery chopped up stereo/fx and automation, not to mention processed, pitched, chopped up vocals, scratch
sounds and tape stops!
Everything has been professionally mastered, processed, tried and tested in our state of the art recording
facility, maintaining the utmost quality recording in 24 bit, for maximum usability and power in the mix.
This is not your average House Library. Fidget House Grooves is one of a kind, and completely unique, check it
out now, and hear the difference for yourself.
Размер файла:: 397.71 Mb
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Отправлено 08 января 2010 - 18:38
The sequel to our best-selling release Sunset Sessions, featuring 950+MB of: Dusty beats, lo-fi grooves and vinyl-infused breaks and fills; cinematic Rhodes, sultry-smooth piano and lazy Wurlitzer licks; sparkling guitars, driving live bass, rustic violins, shady sax and jazzy trumpet; spurious synths, re-wired percussion and misty background elecphonica; ready-mixed melodies, soundbeds and orchestral one-shots; drum one-shot library and more…
Drums › Dusty beats, lo-fi grooves and vinyl-infused breaks and fills. Beat variants for added flexibility.
Keys › Cinematic Rhodes, sultry-smooth piano and lazy Wurlitzer licks – all key and tempo-labeled.
Instrumentals › Sparkling guitars, driving live bass, rustic violins, shady sax and jazzy trumpet. Pure melodic bliss.
Glitches and noise › Spurious synths, re-wired percussion and misty background elecphonica.
Music cuts › Ready-mixed melodies, soundbeds and orchestral one-shots. Instant inspiration.
Drum hit archive › Battered kicks, sleazy snares and cracked hats – all laden with our trademark analogue warmth.
Размер файла:: 412.74 Mb
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Отправлено 08 января 2010 - 22:36
Dino Psaras has come a long way since he first DJ’d at the age of 15 at an Acid House Party, and it wasn’t long before he was playing with the likes of Carl Cox, Sasha and Digweed around the South coast of England. After spending the early nineties DJ’ing alongside luminaries such as Mr C, Todd Terry, Tony Humphries, Paul Oakenfold and Mark Moore, Dino travelled to India where he discovered Psychedelic Trance – a catalyst for change in his musical direction.
From this point onwards Dino has become one of the worlds premier Trance DJs and his Musical CV includes only the biggest DJs, Labels, Parties and Festivals in the Global Trance scene. He continues to tour globally and release records under his own name, with the Krome Angels, Cydonia and under various other pseudonyms.
Dino’s Global Trance and Psy Styles Sample Pack in conjunction with Loopmasters brings all of his knowledge and production experience to the table, and goes further to bring all Trance influenced producers worldwide a truly unique and unprecedented collection of the finest sounds and samples from Dino’s collection.
In this brand new and exclusive collection of royalty free Trance samples you will find everything presented in immaculate 24bit clarity and processed using a huge arsenal of the finest vintage equipment. 40 High Fidelity and Cone Melting Bass loops, more than 130 Heavyweight Drumloops including Full, Top and no Kick for added flexibility, 80+ Lead Lines, 16 ‘Neural Gate’ Loops, 16 Atmospheric Chord Stabs, 68 FX samples, Vocal FX and more than 165 Drum and Percussion Single Sounds, all processed individually by Dino for maximum impact!
Total filesize is over 700MB and the pack includes 525 Wav Files, and 250 Loops – alongside 31 Patches ready to play in Reason NNXT, Halion Kontakt, EXS24, SFZ. The patches include 16 Chord Patches, 6 FX patches, 5 Drum Kits. Reason Refill and Apple Loops version available.
If you are looking to produce fresh Global, Minimal or PSy Trance, Techno or other styles – then check out this amazing product from Loopmasters/Dino Psaras today!
Размер: 728.61 Mb
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Отправлено 09 января 2010 - 23:06
Loopmasters are very proud to bring Hard Dance producers around the world our very first Extreme Hardcore sample release in association with the talented production duo and DJ team – Breeze and Styles!
Since Breeze found himself joining up with long term friend, Darren Styles, Breeze and Styles have produced countless Hardcore and commercial hit tracks for over 8 years becoming one of dance music’s biggest brands. The triple award winners at the hardcore Heaven Awards have also remixed for names such as Cascada, Scooter, Ultrabeat, Flip & Fill amongst others.
Since being involved in UK Hardcore's biggest ever selling compilation, Clubland Xtreme Hardcore which has sold over half a million copies, Breeze and Styles have seen the hardcore scene grow into what is now, one of the biggest and most popular dance music genres in the country today.
If you are looking for a collection of hardcore dance samples which take you on a journey from the pure Hardcore scene and then touch on the break beat and trance influences of the current Hardcore elite’s sound – then this exclusive collection of royalty free hardcore sounds and samples will be exactly what you need for your upcoming musical productions.
Weighing in at an almighty 1.5GB and presented in pristine 24Bit quality, Extreme Hardcore from Breeze and Styles includes over 850 samples, 500 Loops, 350 Single Sounds and 17 Ready to play patches for all the most popular software samplers.
Expect more than 95 Bass Loops, heavy as hell and tuned to intimidate the speakers, 32 Aggressive Breakbeats, 11 Drum Fills and Builds, 71 Split Drum Construction Loops, 63 Drumloops at 140Bpm, 81 Banging 170 Bpm Drumloops, 35 Assorted Atmospheric Music Loops, 29 Original Royalty FreeVocal Loops, 146 Single Drum Samples, 27 Female Vocal One Shot Samples, 90 Synth Multis, and 55 Super FX Samples.
On top of this you also get 17 Full construction kits which include 30 drumloops, 44 music loops, 26 Bass Loops, pads and FX, inc 22 Full Mix demos!
Размер: 1.54 Gb
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Отправлено 10 января 2010 - 21:19
Tribal Progressions takes you on a journey, cutting through Progressive, dicing with Techno, and flirting with Minimal; creating a unique blend of current sounds, for resourceful producers of the future.
With over 150 Combined Loops with a deep, progressive, pounding feel, Tribal Progressions is also perfectly suited to Progressive, Minimal, Electro House, Techno and Trance styles.
Inside, you will find a distinguished array of pulsating bass loops, intelligent drum loops, sparkling synth + chord loops, and ambient fx ready for the dancefloor.
Tribal Progressions is a compact production assistant, and comes fully equipped in crystal clear 24-bit audio. As you’ve come to expect with Prime Loops releases; this sample pack is available in all the most popular formats for today’s music production platforms: Wav, Acid Loops, Rex2 Loops, Apple Loops, FL Studio, Reason Refill, Ableton Live Pack, and many more.
If you want get a feel for this sample pack, have a listen to the audio demo; showcasing some of the content from this sample pack. This is only a small taster of the content to be found inside. The loops themselves have an ambient, minimal, very progressive feel, and are specifically designed to deliver the base inspiration to start a track, whenever you want.
Essentially, this up-to-the-moment download sample pack will provide you with a concise cluster of exclusive and royalty free bass, beats and synths to inject into your dance productions.
Размер файла:: 227.78 Mb
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Отправлено 11 января 2010 - 23:44
Track Listings:
1. Automotive: Various Car Doors
2. Automotive: Car Starts/Revs
3. Automotive: Car Leaves/Arrives
4. Automotive: Car Horn-American
5. Automotive: Car Horn-Japanese
6. Automotive: Car Horn-Antique
7. Automotive: Sudden Stop
8. Automotive: Tire Screeching
9. Automotive: Car Crash
10. Automotive: Multiple Car Crash
11. Automotive: Windshield Wipers
12. Automotive: Tuning a Radio
13. Automotive: City Traffic
14. Automotive: Freeway Traffic
15. Automotive: Race Cars
16. Automotive: Race Car Pit Area
17. Automotive: Ambulance Arrives
18. Automotive: Fire Engine
19. Automotive: Big Rig
20. Automotive: Bus Stop
21. Automotive: Garbage Truck
22. Automotive: Start
23. Automotive: Motorcycle Leaving
24. Automotive: Horse and Carriage
25. Construction: Bulldozer
26. Construction: Power Saw
27. Construction: Pile Driver
28. Construction: Front End Loader
29. Construction: Construction Site Ambience Aviation
30. Aviation: Cessna Ignition
31. Aviation: Cessna Taxing
32. Aviation: Helicopter Start Up
33. Aviation: Helicopter Fly By
34. Aviation: Hot Air Balloon
35. Aviation: Cockpit Ambience and Take Off
36. Aviation: Jet Fly By
37. Aviation: Wwll Bomber
38. Aviation: Jet Bomber
39. Aviation: Jet Landing
40. Sounds of War: Western Gunfight
41. Sounds of War: Wwll Battle
42. Sounds of War: Gorilla Warfare
43. Sounds of War: Sherman Tank
44. Sounds of War: Tank Turret
45. Sounds of War: Tank Fire
46. Sounds of War: Bomb
47. Sounds of War: Bobb 2
48. Sounds of War: Rocket/Bomb
49. Sounds of War: Cannon
50. Sounds of War: Pistol
51. Sounds of War: Shot Gun
52. Sounds of War: Police Radio
53. Marine: Idling Boat
54. Marine: Speed Boat
55. Marine: Ship's Anchor Up
56. Marine: Submarine Ambience
57. Marine: Submarine Sonar
58. Trains: Train Approaching
59. Trains: Railroad Crossing
60. Trains: Diesel Train Horn
61. Trains: Steam Train Horn
62. Trains: Steam Engine
63. Trains: Street Car
64. Trains: Monorail Arrives
65. Trains: Monorail Leaves
66. Trains: Subway
67. Trains: Subway Passenger
68. Trains: Roller Coaster
69. Household: Lawn Mower
70. Household: Electric Weed Whacker
71. Household: Yard Blower
72. Household: Back Door
73. Household: Front Door
74. Household: Big Door
75. Household: Creaking Door
76. Household: Washing Machine
77. Household: Dryer
78. Household: Old Refrigerator
79. Household: Kitchen Sink
80. Household: Toilet Flush
81. Household: Grandfather Clock
82. Household: Old Telephone
83. Household: Old Rotary Phone
84. Household: Touchtone Dialing
85. Household: Telephone Receiver
86. Household: Cell Phone
87. Household: Old Typewriter
88. Household: Electric Typewriter
89. Household: Computer Keyboard
90. Household: Copying Machine
91. Household: Stapler
92. Sports and Games: Pirate Swords
93. Sports and Games: Basketball Dribble
94. Sports and Games: Basketball Free Throw
95. Sports and Games: Baseball Hit and Run
96. Sports and Games: Skeet Ball
97. Sports and Games: Burp Gun
98. Sports and Games: Slot Machine Loser
99. Sports and Games: Slot Machine Winner
Размер файла:: 46.08 Mb
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Sound Effects Vol. 2 - Nature and Animals
Track Listings:
1. Puppy Playing
2. Puppy Barking
3. Puppy in a Box
4. Puppy Whining Outside
5. Small Dog Barking
6. Medium Dog Barking
7. Big Dog Barking
8. Dog on Patrol/Indoors
9. Dog on Patrol/Outdoors
10. Dog Barking/In the Distance
11. Dog Barking/Outside (Close By)
12. Dog Growling
13. Dog Running/Indoors (Tile Floor)
14. Dog Running/Outdoors, Tags Jingling
15. Kennel Sounds
16. Kennel Wet
17. Wild Dogs About Cats
18. Cat Playing With Milk
19. Classic Meow
20. More Meowing
21. Purring
22. 2 Hissing Cats
23. Horse Eating
24. Gallop on Soft Ground
25. Horse Trot on Cobblestones
26. Horse Pulling a Wagon
27. Horse Pulling a Sleigh
28. Horse & Buggy on Cobblestones
29. Horse & Buggy on Awooden Bridge
30. Horse Convoy in the Woods
31. Horse Walking in a Barn
32. Horse Walking in Snow
33. Horse Whining
34. Horse in Stall/Sound of a Leather Saddle
35. Cows Mooing in a Barn
36. Cows Mooing Outside
37. R Cattle Drive
38. Another Cattle Drive
39. Chickens
40. Early Morning Rooster Crowing
41. R Rooster Crowing
42. Several Roosters Crowing
43. Donkey
44. Goats Bleating
45. Pig Grunts & Squeals
46. Budgies
47. Barnyard Animals
48. Turkey Gobbling
49. Geese Cackling
50. Geese & Ducks Cackling
51. Owl Hooting
52. Seagulls
53. Blackbirds & Sparrows
54. Hawk Screeching
55. Chipmunk Call
56. Rattlesnake
57. Mountain Lion Snarl
58. Mountain Lion Growl
59. Cougar Snarling
60. Wolf Howling
61. Wolves Howling
62. Frogs
63. Frog
64. Cricket
65. Crickets Chirping
66. Grasshoppers in Wind
67. Insects in R Swamp
68. Wasp
69. Mosquito
70. Bee Swarm
71. Lion Snarling
72. Lion Roar
73. Elephants Trumpeting
74. Tiger Cub
75. Tiger Snarl
76. Gibbon Monkey
77. Gorilla
78. Sea Lions
79. Zoo Sounds
80. Fire in the Woods
81. Wind Thru the Trees/Thunder
82. Rain in the Woods
83. Jungle Rain
84. Heavy Rain
85. Rain With Wind
86. Rain and Thunder
87. Mud Slide
88. Blizzard
89. Waterfall
90. Birds Along a Wire
91. Forrest
92. Side of a Mountain
93. Swamp Critters
94. Suburbs
95. Summer Dry in the South
96. New England Day
97. Lake Shore
98. Ocean Waves With Seagulls
99. Heavy Surf
Размер файла:: 54.78 Mb
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Sound Effects Vol. 3 - People and Sounds
Track Listings:
1. Yawning
2. Brushing Teeth
3. Gurgling
4. Clearing of the Throat
5. Choking
6. Out of Breath
7. Coughing
8. Yahoo!
9. Screaming
10. Laughing
11. Whistling
12. Orgasm
13. Snoring
14. More Snoring
15. More Snoring
16. Gargling
17. Clearing Throat
18. Choking
19. Giggling
20. Squeaky Laugh
21. Laughing
22. Hysterical Laughing
23. Sexy Laugh
24. Sighing
25. Kiss and Moan
26. Orgasm
27. Snoring
28. Screaming
29. Giggling
30. 2 Women Giggling
31. Laughing
32. Sighing
33. Baby Crying
34. Another Baby Crying
35. Another Baby Crying
36. Babies Crying
37. Child Laughing
38. Children Laughing
39. Group Laughter
40. More Group Laughter
41. Audience Together
42. Small Crowd Applause
43. Audience Sighs
44. Booing and Hissing
45. Crowd Booing and Rawing
46. Walking on a Wooden Floor
47. Knocking on a Big Door
48. Running Up/Down Stairs
49. Walking on Gravel
50. Jogging on Gravel
51. Walking on Leaves
52. Boxing
53. Punching and Tearing
54. Inflating a Balloon
55. Raquetball Court
56. Men Marching
57. Belching (Subtle)
58. Short Burp
59. Beer Belch
60. Short Fart
61. Another Short Fart
62. Assorted Long Farts
63. Sneeze
64. Blowing Nose
65. Little Hocker
66. Big Hocker
67. Various Vomits
68. Big Vomit
69. Male Peeing
70. Female Peeing
71. Diarrhea
72. Slurping
73. Body Being Dumped in a River
74. Suicide Splat
75. Crowd
76. Party Crowd
77. Drunken Crowd in a Bar
78. Hospital
79. Laboratory
80. Church Ambience-Prayer
81. Church Ambience-Singing
82. Outdoor Praying
83. Auction
84. Carnival Midway
85. Video Arcade
86. Casino
87. Concert Seating
88. Concert Seating-Rock
89. Post Office
90. Small Diner
91. Large Diner
92. French Cafe
93. School Cafeteria
94. Wedding Reception-Early
95. Wedding Reception-End
96. "Get Your Programs"
97. Baseball
98. Baseball-Home Run
99. College Basketball Game
Размер файла:: 52.26 Mb
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Sound Effects Vol. 4 - Sound Effects
Track Listings:
1. Merry-Go-Round
2. Yankee Doodle Dandy from a Merry-Go-Round
3. Mall Ambience/Christmas Carolers
4. African Drums
5. Chinese New Year
6. Piccolo Scale
7. Trumpet - Charge!
8. Trumpet - Reveille
9. Trumpet - Taps
10. Trumpet - Assembly
11. Castanets
12. Music Box
13. Dangerous/Eerie
14. Far Eastern Music
15. Circus Sounds
16. Orchestra Tune Up
17. Jukebox
18. Nothing on T.V.
19. Static
20. Sonar Ping
21. Radar/Electronic
22. Battle Alarm
23. Fire Alarm Bell
24. Heart Beating
25. Ekg/Beating
26. Ekg/Flatline
27. Crashes and Bangs
28. Descending Warbly
29. Ascending Warbly
30. Ascending Droplet
31. 50's Movie Flying Saucer
32. Springs
33. More Springs
34. Jew's Harp
35. Twangs
36. Bonk
37. Metallic Punch
38. Bowhammy
39. Bubbly-Wubbly
40. Woosh-Woosh
41. Bow and Arrow
42. Table-Tennis/Ping Pong
43. Bowling
44. Gone Fishin'
45. Wooden Bat Hitting Baseball
46. Chalking R Pool Cue Sticks
47. 8 Ball Break
48. 9 Ball Break
49. Corner Pocket
50. Referee's Whistle
51. Fireworks
52. Bed Squeaking
53. Crumbling Paper
54. Tape Being Stretched
55. Writing with a Pencil
56. Opening R Beer Can
57. Carbonation Fizz
58. Ice Cubes
59. Coffee Percolator
60. Tea Pot
61. Water Cooler
62. Lighting a Match
63. Jingling Coins
64. Chair Scraping Floor
65. Steam
66. Scrambling Eggs
67. Electric Car Window
68. A/C Switching On
69. Car Wash
70. Opening a Compartment
71. Electric Shaver
72. Hammering Nails
73. 16MM Movie Camera
74. Water Spalsh
75. Down the Drain
76. Counter Bell
77. Little Bell
78. Shop Bell
79. Grandfather Clock
80. Alarm Clock
81. Setting Alarm Clock
82. Wind Chimes
83. Party Horn
84. Slide Whistle Up
85. Slide Whistle Down
86. Pop Gun
87. Boat Fog Horn
88. Ice Cracking
89. Whip
90. Bullwhip
91. Glass Breaking
92. Window Breaking
93. Hedge Clippers
94. Camp Fire
95. Girl in a Shower
96. Spooky Wind
97. Chains Dragging
98. Chains Rattling
99. Monster
Размер файла:: 37.55 Mb
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Sound Effects Vol. 5 - Sounds of Passion
Track Listings:
1. Sexual Sound FX: Male Masturbation (Slow)
2. Sexual Sound FX: Male Masturbation (Fast)
3. Sexual Sound FX: Ejaculation
4. Sexual Sound FX: Comical Ejaculation
5. Sexual Sound FX: Doggy Style
6. Sexual Sound FX: Fellatio
7. Sexual Sound FX: Cunnilingus
8. Sexual Sound FX: Spanking
9. Men: Heavy Breathing
10. Men: "Oh Yeah!"
11. Men: "Oh Yeah" 2
12. Men: "Oh God...Ohhh"
13. Men: "Oh, a Little to the Left"
14. Men: "Oh Baby"
15. Men: French Man Climaxing
16. Men: German Man Climaxing
17. Men: Latino Man Climaxing
18. Men: British Man Climaxing
19. Men: Old Jewish Man Climaxing
20. Men: Chinese Man Climaxing
21. Men: Indian Man Climaxing
22. Men: African American Man Climaxing
23. Men: Redneck Climaxing
24. Men: Surfer Dewd Climaxing
25. Men: Canadian Man Climaxing
26. Men: Homosexual Climaxing
27. Men: New Yorker Climaxing
28. Women: "MMMMMM..."
29. Women: "Ahhh..."
30. Women: "Ahhh..." 2
31. Women: Tender Kiss
32. Women: "Oh Baby" With Kiss
33. Women: "Yeah"
34. Women: "Ohh Yes"
35. Women: Moaning & Breathing During Sex
36. Women: Climax
37. Command of Sex (Men): "Faster"
38. Command of Sex (Men): "Harder"
39. Command of Sex (Men): "Slower"
40. Command of Sex (Men): "Lower"
41. Command of Sex (Men): "Sideways"
42. Command of Sex (Men): "Bend Over"
43. Command of Sex (Men): "Lay Down"
44. Command of Sex (Men): "Turn Over"
45. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Deeper
46. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Faster
47. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Harder
48. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Slower
49. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Lower
50. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Sideways
51. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Bend Over
52. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Lay Down
53. Command of Sex (Men): Deep Voice - Turn Over
54. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Deeper"
55. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Faster"
56. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Harder"
57. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Slower"
58. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Lower"
59. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Sideways"
60. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Bend Over"
61. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Lay Down"
62. Command of Sex (Men): French Man - "Turn Over"
63. Commands of Sex (Women): "Deeper"
64. Commands of Sex (Women): "Faster"
65. Commands of Sex (Women): "Harder"
66. Commands of Sex (Women): "Slower"
67. Commands of Sex (Women): "Sideways"
68. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "You Like That?"
69. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Lick It"
70. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Suck It"
71. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Kiss It"
72. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Touch It"
73. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Eat It"
74. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Beat It"
75. Bedroom Talk (Str8 Men): "Be Nice to It"
76. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "You Like That"
77. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Lick It"
78. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Suck It"
79. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Kiss It"
80. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Touch It"
81. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Eat It"
82. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Beat It"
83. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Be Nice to It"
84. Bedroom Talk (Gay Men): "Just Be Gentle"
85. Bedroom Talk (Women): "You Like That"
86. Bedroom Talk (Women): "Harder"
87. Bedroom Talk (Women): "Lick It More"
88. Bedroom Talk (Women): "Kiss Me Baby"
89. Action: Female Big Moan
90. Action: Female "Oh God..."
91. Action: Lesbians
92. Action: Lesbians in a Jacuzzi
93. Action: S&M Spanking
94. Action: Rough Sex (M/F)
95. Action: Grunting Female
96. Action: Spitting
97. Action: More Lesbians
98. Action: Female "Oh, It's So Big"
99. Action: Smoking
Размер файла:: 21.16 Mb
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Отправлено 13 января 2010 - 00:36
D.A.V.E. The Drummer has dug deep into his massive personal sound vault to share his inspiring custom loops and anologe sounds form his vast collection of synths he has collected over the past 15 years.
Now you have the chance to explore D.A.V.E. The Drummer's personal sound collection first hand.
In brief, this pack contains over 1100 loops, 696 drum hits and a fantastic selection of 353 Fx sounds, a vast collection of synths, vocals, & one shots as well as Kontakt and abelton files for additional flexibility.
With over 1.6 gigs of total Techno we feel this will soon become your go to sound collection to explore the possibilities of Techno music.
Tech Specs:
* 1.69 gigs in total
* Bass shots: 69 samples
* Drum hits: 696
* FX sounds: 353
* Loops: 1277
* Synths: 299
* Bizarre Technoid Vocals : 53
* Abelton Live bonus Instruments: 2
* Total: 2747 Samples
* 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo WAV/REX
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Отправлено 14 января 2010 - 22:09
String Machines for Sampler, Kontakt & EXS 4 analog legends recaptured: Puremagnetik has gone back to the golden age of string synthesis and recaptured the sounds of 4 legendary instruments. String Machines contains over 250MB of lush sounds recorded directly from the classic stringers of the 1970’s. But doesn’t stop with strings! These analog legends had amazing organs, full choirs, pianos and clavichords – all of which are reproduced in this latest release!. String Machines includes programs from: The Roland VP-330, Roland RS-09, ARP Solina String Ensemble and Crumar Orchestrator. Formats included: ALP, KONTAKT, EXS.
Размер файла:: 751.4 Mb
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Отправлено 16 января 2010 - 18:11
Коллекция MIDI...
1. Groove Monkee 350 MIDI Loops - Free!
Mac - 300 Samples (AD, BFD, BFD2, EZd, GM, DFHS, Reason)
PC - 300 Samples (AD, BFD, BFD2, EZd, GM, DFHS, Reason)
Session Drummer 2 Grooves
2. Groove Monkee Electronic Multiformat MIDI Groove Maps-NoGRP
Groove Monkee Electronic for BFD GURU GM EZDrummer
Groove Monkee Electronic for Groove Agent
Groove Monkee Electronic for Reason Refill GM NN-XT
3. Groove Monkee Professional MIDI Beats Bundle for EZD BFD - NoGRP
Groove_Monkee_Coun try
4. Learning to Use MIDI
Размер файла:: 55.17 Mb
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Отправлено 16 января 2010 - 23:58
Удивительные Образцы Транса!
Одни из лучших образцов Транса - которые должен иметь каждый!
Размер файла:: 63.15 Mb
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Отправлено 17 января 2010 - 20:16
В этой коллекции более 100 сэмплов в формате wav!
Петли вокала и последовательности турецких инструментов !!!
Размер файла:: 36.77 Mb
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Отправлено 17 января 2010 - 23:54
В этой коллекции собраны различные звуки греческих ударных инструментов!
Замечательная коллекция, которая даст вибрацию и необыкновенный цвет Вашей музыке.
Размер файла:: 99.14 Mb
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Отправлено 18 января 2010 - 23:06
Родосское Электрическое Фортепьяно !!!
The term legendary is particularly over-used when referring to vintage musical equipment. However, no one would deny that the Fender Rhodes Electric Piano deserves not only legendary status but also that of being one of the most coveted and influential keyboard instruments of the last 35 years.
The inventor, Harold Rhodes, first began making musical instruments in the 1940s, initially developing a type of electric xylophone which was, oddly enough, constructed from bits of aluminium tubing salvaged from B17 bombers. In the early 1960s and in conjunction with Leo Fender, Harold Rhodes developed the Fender Rhodes Piano Bass, which was based around a small 32 note keyboard which utilised the principal of striking aluminium tubes or tines to create the distinctive sound. A short while later, in 1965, the first full size Fender Rhodes was born - the Suitcase 88.
Although over the years various model names have come and gone, one thing has remained constant throughout all of the Rhodes guises, its unmistakable sound. Used by artists from Chick Corea to Portishead and Steely Dan to Stevie Wonder, the Fender Rhodes has truly helped shape the last 30 years of modern music.
The Players
Arden Hart is a genuinely gifted musician. Unbelievable is the phrase often used to describe his ability. There are some players who are born with perfect pitch, never drop a note and have an ability that the rest of us can but listen and attempt to learn from, Arden sits at the top of this category.
Arden's favourite instrument is his Rhodes Stage 73, which features on this CD, and his credits, to name but a few, include Carleen Anderson, Brand New Heavies, Chaka Khan, Pasedenas and James Mason.
Dave Spiers programming and recording contributions to this CD have been crucial. Although more programmer than true musician, Dave still keeps his hand in when it comes to Rhodes riffs and licks. However, given both the virtuosity and enormous input from Arden, he'd be the first to admit his own musical contributions to this CD were minimal
A 'world first' in terms of sample CDs. This disc offers you the choice of THREE individual formats:
- Over 300 MIDI loops
- Over 300 WAV and AIFF audio loops
- Multi-sampled SoundFont Rhodes (one normal and one with tremolo)
- Размер файла:: 309.61 Mb
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Отправлено 19 января 2010 - 23:16
Сердце и душа испанского Фламенко!
This best-selling 2-CD library offers over 1,000 phrases and sounds in audio, Rex2, and Acid (Wav) format. This library includes characteristic percussion, such as bongo and castanets, plus the elegant and powerful Spanish guitar. Give your music “south of the border” flavor with this remarkable, authentic collection.
Sound Files
ACID [600 files]
Bongo: Loops [28 files] / One shots [61 files]
Cajon: Loops [21 files] / One shots [19 files]
Castanuela: Loops [13 files] / One shots [22 files]
Guitarras: Loops [121 files] / One shots [80 files]
Palmas: Loops [28 files] / One shots [24 files]
Snaps: Loops [7 files] / One shots [21 files]
Taconeo: Loops [16 files] / One shots [15 files]
Voces- Female: Loops [27 files]
Voces- Male: Loops [76 files] / One shots [10 files]
Voces- Group: Loops [5 files] / One shots [6 files]
REX2 [342 files]
Bongo: Loops [28 files]
Cajon: Loops [21 files]
Castanuela: Loops [13 files]
Guitarras: Loops [121 files]
Palmas: Loops [28 files]
Snaps: Loops [7 files]
Taconeo: Loops [16 files]
Voces- Female: Loops [27 files]
Voces- Male: Loops [76 files]
Voces- Group: Loops [5 files]
Размер файла:: 437.66 Mb
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Отправлено 20 января 2010 - 23:57
Over 165 mb of classical acapella vocal samples to add ethereal dimension to your tracks. Valve recorded and stereo processed these essential vocals are ready to drop straight into your latest production.
Samples are 44.1khz 24 bit stereo wav, 100 & 140 BPM, keys listed.
Размер файла:: 165.07 Mb
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Отправлено 21 января 2010 - 21:07
Вторая часть сборника ударных, самых известных музыкантов планеты! Добавьте их в свою коллекцию и ваши композиции будут реально качать и вдохновлять на следующие идеи!!!
Step Ya Game Up Vol. 2 is the 2nd volume of industry bangin drum kits that will Step Ya Game Up. The hard, radio ready drum samples in this collection are perfect for making down south beats, hard ny beats, west coast beats, r&b beats, club bangers and more.
A Total of:
142 Kicks
141 Claps
106 Snares
61 Hats
89 Percussion
100 Bonus Samples
1. 500+ drum sounds in each volume.
2. Kicks, Snares, Claps, Shakers, Percussion, Hats more than 15 Kits in each edition.
3. No wasted time editing samples. Just start making beats.
4. Instant Download in minutes.
5. Crunk Kits, RnB Kits, Producer Kits, Street Kits.
6. Each volume has all the drum sounds you need to make your hit record.
7. Bonus: bass sounds.
8. Best price for the best pro quality industry drum sounds on the internet.
9. All sounds professionally EQ’d and Compressed to cut through in the mix.
10. Your beats will sound better instantly.
500+ Drum Samples + 100 Bonus Samples More than 16 unique kits including South Crunk Kits, RNB Kits, Club Kits, Neptunes, Jus Blaze Kit And more…
Wav. files work with: FL Studio, Logic, Reason, Sonar, Akai MPC, Cubase and Protools.
Размер файла:: 124.53 Mb
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