…The master plan we’re talking about is Lifted’s brand new concept label ‘Breed Twelve Inches’, an imprint which will act as a starting block for musicians with extreme talent and production abilities. The main concept is simple; Breed Twelve Inches has been set up as a means to nurture new talent, a tool to help establish up and coming artists, raise them through the ranks until they are ready to debut their very best work on the colossal Lifted Music.
So who will father these musically gifted social misfits… Chris Renegade, the owner of Lifted Music, is stepping up to the plate, and having worked with the cream of Drum & Bass’ artists through some of the D&B scene’s biggest labels, seeing them through from their very first demo tracks to watching their releases reach the dizzy heights of anthem status, getting rewinds across the globe and becoming permanent fixtures in the big dogs’ record boxes, we think he’s in a pretty strong position to do so.
As you would expect from a man who’s in the very best position to mentor the freshest musical talent around, Chris Renegade is excited about the future of Breed: ”Breed Twelve Inches is destined to be the future of progressive aggressive Drum & Bass, I’m looking for all round good produced music with high quality engineering, but the main importance is I’m looking for something a little different, something new, if it’s the fundamental sounds or the vibe of the track. We’re talking about receiving a fresh demo from an artist and offering them enough guidance and advise to see them through to a stage where they’re doing serious damage on dancefloors around the world.”
That’s what Breed is all about; a training ground for Lifted Music… the next generation of producers backed by a label which we believe has the prospects to become one of the strongest names in the game.
Now some of you out there might think that the phrase ”strongest name in the game” is a bit presumptuous, but with Lifted Music’s already burgeoning reputation for bringing the bashiest beats this side of a Bruce Lee film you’d be hard pressed not to take them seriously. We’re also assured that Breed Twelve Inches will operate on a ‘quality over quantity’ basis, so, just as with its sister label, you can be assured that every release will be pure, unadulterated dancefloor destroying material.
In keeping with the cut-throat nature of today’s music industry, we’re reluctant to offer up too many details about this exciting new project, but rest assured that the process has already started and the next generation of producers are on the path towards D&B prominence.
a. InsideInfo - Skyhook
b. Katharsys - Scraper ---> http://dump.ru/file/1109923
a. Receptor - Rhyno ---> http://dump.ru/file/1109924
b. Billain - Intrusion ---> http://dump.ru/file/1109925