Coming up with a clear cut answer as to what inspires DJ Hidden is not easy. Sure, certain things come to mind. The night, his favourite part of the day, for instance. Possibly cities and their urban decay. Or perhaps a little insanity. Maybe even simply just other music.
What drives him to do what he does is not so hard to figure out though. The constant desire to create has always been in his blood. As a kid, he would fill his time with drawing, playing musical instruments, messing around with reel-to-reel recorders - anything he could get his hands on. Computers with less memory and power than your everyday cellphone gradually became capable of producing sounds and although he didn't give up his classical guitar training for years, machines increasingly became more interesting to experiment with.
The process of sound creation evolved and it became possible to sequence entire compositions just by using a computer. That degree of control was very appealing and resulted in the first couple of structures some might call songs. Back in those days, the electronic music scene was still in its early development stages but that only made it more interesting. Although genres like acid and even industrial were already around, the degree of freedom was still limitless, enabling the composition of... whatever possible.
Coming from a small city in the Netherlands, it did not seem like there were many people around doing the same stuff. But maybe that's what they were all assuming when they were writing music in their bedrooms. Luckily, mutual friends kept going on about "this guy that also does stuff with a computer" and that's how DJ Hidden met Eye-D.
They decided to team up and back in 1996, had the nerve to send out some cassette taped demos to a few labels. It came as a complete surprise when two record companies actually had a positive response. A dream became reality when the first Outside Agency and the first (and last) X-Factor hardcore records found their way to stores.
Although DJ Hidden had been spinning at various parties (meeting more musical friends such as One Ear Bass, Vodka and Sandstorm), releasing records provided a welcome boost in the amount of bookings - and besides playing vinyl, The Outside Agency even decided to do some live shows - which were recorded into a videoclip that was aired multiple times on national television.
The initial glory days of hardcore then came to an initial end with certain companies tirelessly commercializing anything imaginable. This resulted in a shift in attention to different genres - and although DJ Hidden kept making hardcore, he now also started to experiment with drum n bass, breakbeat and idm.
Years passed and a multitude of records and cds on a lot of different labels in all aforementioned genres were realized. Drum n bass had become both a lot darker and harder, making it a good genre to explore and combine with hardcore, which was making a darker, more experimental comeback. At exactly the right time, The Outside Agency received a call from DJ Ruffneck. After a pleasant day at Cardiac HQ, it was decided that Eye-D and DJ Hidden were going to run a label for the music group. The duo just had to come up with a good name. It took them a year to do so& and Genosha Recordings saw the light of day.
Nowadays, DJ Hidden's main focus are the two things he's best at: music and art - the first a completely self-taught ever ongoing learning process, the second with an education as a director and a history in the graphics and videogame industry. Almost every weekend, he's on the road promoting his music at a wide range of clubs, events and festivals. During the week, he spends most of his time behind computerscreens - trying to come up with stuff that he hopes will stimulate, entertain and maybe even inspire.
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Released music on these labels...
46Abstrakt Ad NoiseamAentitainmentAntistatikAural CarnageB2K (Born2Kick)Black MonolithCoolmanC.U.E.Dust of SoundsEnzyme VIPEpileptikEupholusEvol IntentFearFlatlineHandsome DevilHSCHymenIndependenzaGenoshaHiveKilling SheepKultboxMedcomMerckMetrikMokumNotochordOtakuOutbreakPiruhProvokePRSPCTReload MagazineRuff-teckSemconscious MediaSoothsayerSub/VersionTheoreticVirtual Pulse
DJ Hidden or Semiomime bookings
and information:
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Outside Agency bookings:
Cardiac Bookings Website
Regarding all Bookings
Please feel free to inquire regarding dates in the agenda that have *****. These dates are still unconfirmed and might still be available. If possible, both DJ Hidden and The Outside Agency also perform multiple events on one evening.
DJ Hidden on MySpace
Click here to go directly to DJ Hidden's profile on MySpace.
Music / Demos
If you would like to send dubplates or demos, please do NOT send them as a link through e-mail. If you have some webspace available, please upload the track(s) as mp3s (128kbps or higher) and send me a link. I listen to every single demo I receive and always try to give constructive advice when asked.
Affiliated Labels:
Ad Noiseam
Evol Intent
Flatline Audio
Genosha Recordings
Hong Kong Violence
Kod Productions (Dust of Sounds)
Killing Sheep Records
PRSPCT Recordings
Ruff-teck Records
Theoretic Records
Black Sun Empire
Dave Akuma
DJ Ruffneck
Evol Intent
One Ear Bass
Silent Killer
The DJ Producer
Soundbase Germany
SoundClash Distribution
ST Holdings
Triple Vision
KnownLedge Magazine
Scottish Hardcore
Dutch DnB Forum
Dogs On Acid
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